Visitor visas allow foreigners to visit Australia as a tourist, to visit family or for purposes aside from business or medical treatment.

Relevant visas include:

  • Electronic Travel Authority (subclass 601) 

  • eVisitor (subclass 651)

  • Transit visa (subclass 771) 

  • Visitor (subclass 600)

  • Work and Holiday visa (subclass 462)

  • Working Holiday visa (subclass 417)

Parents of Australia citizens can under certain circumstances be issued a three-year visitor visa however must visitor visas are for between three and 12 months.

Working Holiday visas are restricted to individuals from specified countries who are between 18 and 35 years of age. They can work for any employer for six months at a time during the validity of their visa (usually 12 months) and if farm or specified work is undertaken during those first 12 months, visas can be renewed for a second or even third term.

Not sure what visa you could be eligible for?

Australian visas can be confusing, especially if you might have more than one option.

Our experienced team of registered migration lawyers can help keep you and your family together in Australia. We can assess the visa eligibility for your partners, children, brothers, sisters, parents and other dependent relatives.