Angela Escultor Angela Escultor


Australia’s reputation is at stake. What was once a beloved destination for international students to study and work has now become a pillar of uncertainty. This is certainly the case for Tanushree Nath and Mohammadhossein Esmaeli, two international students who have been waiting for 18 months to see any sort of change in their student visa status.

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Angela Escultor Angela Escultor


Andrew Giles, the new Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural affairs is a spark of hope for those who have waited years to become Australian citizens. He is committed to bringing all Australians together to benefit from Australia’s multicultural diversity. He has criticised the former Morrison government for neglecting immigration functions.

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Angela Escultor Angela Escultor

KIWIS TO KEEPERS:New Zealanders and Permanent Residency in Australia

For the first time in 21 years, there is a real glimmer of hope on the pathway to citizenship for New Zealanders who have lived in Australia for most of their lives. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese have signalled progress toward resolving what has become a key sore point over Australia’s treatment of New Zealand citizens. By Anzac Day next year, New Zealanders may benefit from voting rights, a faster pathway to citizenship, and increased protections against deportation.

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